Respect for the Elders

We need to show more respect for the elderly than we do.  Consider two occasionally-encountered slang terms: old fart and battle-axe.

Isn't it truly deflating to refer to an grouchy old man as an "old fart"?  He's not a full-fledged shit.  No, he is trivialized into a bad odor. 

And as for antagonistic, overbearing older women: they are trivialized as battle-axes.  When she was in her thirties or forties she might have been styles as assertive, or (pejoratively) as a ballbreaker.  But now she is styled as an outdated weapon suitable only for wall display.

Let's be more polite.  Grouchy old men are a fact of life: let them be politely referred to as superannated flatuses!  And older women who are antagonistic and overbearing, let's just simply say that they are chronically outspoken, women of more than sufficient words.

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