Air Kissing

I encountered a quaint practice of the East Coast: people, upon greeting each other, mutually hug and blow air kisses.  In neither case is there any lip-to-skin contact; just the two people embracing making sounds like they are kissing each other.

This remarkable custom could be deconstructed as insincere affection; or is can simply be an expedient stemming ffrom fears of spreading disease.  After all, these people typically lived in the great metropolises, and the fears of disease are normally more prevalent.  Remember last year, when some people would actually bump elbows as a gesture of greeting?

But let's look at this air kissing more closely.  Just how many times must people meet before they air kiss?  Are you considered easy if you air kiss on the first meeting?  And what about air kissing cousins?  Is this considered incentuous if they are first cousins?  Clearly, we are in acute need of guidance.

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