The Underwear Report

American citizens need more candor in government and social life.  We have too many secrets.  This needs to stop.  In my opinion, we can go a long way towards increasing candor by asking our public officials, both elected and appointed, to reveal what sort of underwear they are wearing.  Briefs or boxers.  Full panties, bikinis, or thongs.  This could be a regular part of the news reports each day.  And let's have a little show-and-tell for verification.

It would teach our officials a little humility.  It would also help the American underwear business, as they would be impelled to but new, attractive underwear.  No politician would wish to reveal that she's wearing knockoff panties from China, or that his briefs are holey!  Obviously, any commandos would in effect be telling the voters that they are untrustworthy. 

Besides, we have a need to know.

What do you think?

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