The statue is 8 World's Largest

001.Ushiku Amida Buddha. Japanese. 120 meters high. built in 1995.

002.Huangdi Yandi. China. 103 meters high.

003.Homeland-mother, Ukraine. 102 meters high.

004.Peter I. Russia. 96 meters high.

005.Statue of liberty. USA. 93 meters high.

006.Homeland-mother. Russia. 82m high. Built in 1967.

007.Buddha. China. 71 meters high. Constructed from 713 to 803 AD

008.Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. High 38. Built 1931.

World's Largest Tree

One of the trees in the world's tallest Giant Sequoia of this type has a height reached 85 meters. His age is estimated between 2200 to 2700 years.

Tree is named "General Sherman", is expected not only is one of the highest, but also the largest species in the Sequoia is its volume. In the year 2002 this tree had a measurable volume of 1487 cubic meters.

pohon terbesar sherman tree

pohon terbesar di dunia

Measured from the dimensions, this indicates Sherman tree grew larger each year. Diameter is 1.4 meters above the ground is 7.7 meters, diameter of 18 meters above ground is 5.3 meters, diameter of 55 meters above ground is 4.3 meters, and height of the first branch from the ground is approximately 40 meters.

Interestingly, the biggest branch broken in 2006. Shaped like the letter "L" plunged from about a quarter of the height of trees. This branch has a diameter of 2 meters by 30 meters long and made to destroy the fence around it. Yet this tree still remains the largest living things on earth who are still alive.

Animals Collection At World's Largest

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Kura-kura ninja....!!!!

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1. Jembatan Semanggi
Jembatan Semanggi yang dibangun Zaman Soekarno begitu indah jika dilihat menggunakan Google Earth. Bentuknya menyerupai kelopak bunga dapat ditelusuri di koordinat 6°13'10.70"S 106°48'45.28"E

2. Garuda Pancasila
Nama resminya adalah Graha Garuda Tiara. Dapat ditelusuri di koordinat S 6.417919 E 106.957672 ke google earth atau google map. Graha Garuda Tiara terletak di Cileungsi Bogor Jawa Barat yang tadinya berfungsi sebagai Hotel.

3. Jembatan Ampera
Jembatan dengan Panjang : 1.117 m (bagian tengan 71,90 m), Lebar : 22 m, Tinggi : 11,5 m dari permukaan air, Tinggi Menara : 63 m dari permukaan tanah, Jarak antara dua menara : 75 m dan Berat : 944 ton dapat dinikmati di 2°59'30.09"S 104°45'48.30"E.

Dulu, bagian tengah jembatan Ampera bisa dinaik-turunkan. Tetapi, mulai tahun 1970 sudah tidak lagi difungsikan. Jembatan yang mulai dibangun pada bulan April 1962 atas persetujuan Presiden Sukarno, diambil pendanaannya dari pampasan perang Jepang. Pada awalnya, jembatan sepanjang 1.177 meter dengan lebar 22 meter ini, diresmikan pemakaiannya pada tahun 1965, sekaligus pengukuhan nama Bung Karno sebagai nama jembatan. Namun, nama ini berubah pada pergolakan politik 1966, dan oleh gerakan anti-Sukarno diubah namanya menjadi jembatan Ampera.

4. Gelora Senayan Bung Karno
Inilah Gelora kebanggaan Bangsa Indonesia yang dibangun oleh Presiden Soekarno untuk menyambut Asian Games IV tahun 1962. Gelora Senayan berada dikoordinat 6°13'7.44"S 106°48'7.30"E dan pada Tanggal 21 Juli 1962 pukul 17.00 WIB Presiden Soekarno meresmikan penggunaan Stadion Utama. Stadion ini memiliki kapasitas tempat duduk 110.000 orang.

5. Desain Dinamis Gelora Senayan Bung Karno
Selain bangunan yang megah ternyata, lantai hall dihalaman Gelora Bung Karno terdapat desain yang sangat dinamis dan sanggat mencolok tatkala kita memasuki koordinat 6°13'6.91"S 106°47'59.77"E

6. Gedung DPR
Inilah Gedung tempat dewan terhormat mengeluarkan kebijakan penting. Gedung inilah yang acapkali dijadikan target oleh mahasiswa untuk menyuarakan aspirasinya termasuk melengserkan pemerintahan yang sedang berjalan. Gedung DPR dapat diakses di koordinat 6°12'37.31"S 106°47'59.77"E

7. Kepulauan Indonesia TMII
Wooh..ternyata kepulauan Indonesia nampak sempurna saat kita mengarahkan koordinat di 6°18'6.04"S 106°53'47.53"E. Gugusan kepulauan ini merupakan bagian dari Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) yang terletak di wilayah Jakarta Timur

8. Museum Prajurit TMII
Sunggu luar biasa tatkala kita mengunjungi TMII lewat google earth, dan bangunan yang sangat apik bisa ditemukan di Museum Prajurit Tmii yang berbentuk segi lima dengan koordinat 6°18'20.13"S 106°53'48.09"E. Disamping museum Prajurit juga terdapat pesawat terbang yang diparkir dekat danau buatan.

9. Istana Bogor
Istana Bogor merupakan salah satu dari enam Istana Presiden Republik Indonesia yang mempunyai keunikan tersendiri. Keunikan ini dikarenakan aspek historis, kebudayaan dan fauna yang menonjol. Salah satunya adalah adanya rusa – rusanya yang indah yang didatangkan langsung dari Nepal dan tetap terjaga dari dulu sampai sekarang. Istana Bogor dapat ditemukan di koordinat 6°35'47.96"S 106°47'53.66"E.

10. Pelabuhan Tanjung Periok
Ingin melihat keseibukan kapal? sudah tentu kita bisa menemukannya di kordinat 6° 5'58.73"S 106°53'20.71"E.

11. Bandara Soekarno Hatta
Pintu gerbang transportasi udara Ibu Kota RI ini nampak jelas jika diarahkan ke koordinat 6° 7'41.04"S 106°39'21.63"E, bahkan pesawat yang berjejerpun dapat dilihat secara jelas.

12. Monas
Hampir semua orang mengenal Monumen Nasional atau lebih dikenal dengan monas yang tugunya berlapis emas. Terletak di kawasan ring 1 Istana Negara, Monas dapat diakses di koordinat 6°10'33.19"S 106°49'39.78"E.

13. Bundaran HI
Bundaran HI mempunya sejarah sendiri untuk tetap diingat bagi siapapun yang mengunjungi Jakarta. Letaknya dipusat kota acapkali dijadikan sasaran untuk berdomo. Bundaran HI dapat diakses di koordinat 6°11'41.82"S 106°49'23.07"E.

14. Candi Borobudur
Sebagai salah satu dari tujuh keajaiban dunia, Candi Borobudur dibangun dengan menggunakan +/- 55.000 m3 batu. Tinggi bangunan ini sampai kepuncak adalah 42m, dengan lebar dasar 123 m. Tegak dan kokoh menjulang keangkasa dan merupakan bagian dari sejarah yang telah berumur 12 abad. Candi Borobudur yang terletak di Provinsi Jawa Tengah ini dapat diakses di koordinat 7°36'28.45"S 110°12'13.35"E

15. Keramba Ikan Jatiluhur - Purwakarta
Keramba Ikan Jatiluhur dominan terlihat dari udara saat koordinat diarahkan 6°33'22.45"S 107°23'32.85"E. Keramba ikan berjumlah ribuan buah ini merupakan peternakan ikan air tawar yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat setempat.

16. Pulau Bungin
Pulau Bungin di Kecamatan Alas Kabupaten Sumbawa NTB, merupakan pulau kecil buatan terpadat didunia melebihi kepadatan pulau Jawa dengan kepadatan 36000 jiwa/km2 sedangkan kepadatan pulau jawa hanya sekitar 813 jiwa/km2 atau kepadatan pulau Bungin sama dengan 44 kali kepadatan pulau Jawa. Pulau yang hanya seluas 8 hektar ini mempunyai jumlah penduduk sebanyak 2.800 Jiwa dan dapat diakses di koordinat 8°28'37.69"S 116°59'43.25"E

1.Semanggi bridge

Semanggi bridge built so beautiful Sukarno era when viewed using Google Earth. Shape resembling flower petals can be traced at coordinates 6 ° 13'10 .70 "S 106 ° 48'45 .28" E 

2. Garuda Pancasila 
The official name is the Graha Garuda Tiara. Can be traced in the coordinates S 106.957672 E 6.417919 to google earth or google map. Graha Garuda Tiara Cileungsi located in Bogor in West Java which had functioned as a hotel. 

3. Bridge Ampera 
Bridge Length: 1117 m (the Tengan 71.90 m), Width: 22 m, Height: 11.5 m above the water, Tower Height: 63 m from the soil surface, distance between two towers: 75 m Weight: 944 tons can be enjoyed in 2 ° 59'30 .09 "S 104 ° 45'48 .30" E. 

Formerly, the center of the bridge can be raised Ampera down. However, starting in 1970 is no longer functional. The bridge that started construction in April 1962 with the approval of President Sukarno, was taken funding from the Japanese war reparations. At first, the bridge along the 1177 meters with a width of 22 meters, was inaugurated in the year 1965 usage, as well as strengthening of Bung Karno's name as the name of the bridge. However, this name change in the political upheavals of 1966, and by the anti-Sukarno was renamed Ampera bridge. 

4. Gelora Bung Karno Senayan 
This is the pride of the Nation Indonesia Gelora built by President Sukarno to welcome the Asian Games IV in 1962. Gelora Senayan are dikoordinat 6 ° 13'7 .44 "S 106 ° 48'7 .30" E and on the date July 21, 1962 at 17:00 pm President inaugurates the use of the Main Stadium. The stadium has a seating capacity of 110,000 people. 

5. Dynamic Design Gelora Bung Karno Senayan 
In addition to the magnificent building was, the hall floor are at Bung Karno Stadium is a very dynamic design and striking sanggat when we entered the coordinates 6 ° 13'6 .91 "S 106 ° 47'59 .77" E 

6. Capitol 
This is the building where the council honored important policy issue. This building is often used as targets by the students to voice their aspirations, including depose the current government. House of Representatives can be accessed at coordinates 6 ° 12'37 .31 "S 106 ° 47'59 .77" E 

7. Indonesia Islands TMII 
Wooh .. Indonesian archipelago was the perfect look when we direct the coordinates of 6 ° 18'6 .04 "S 106 ° 53'47 .53" E. These islands are part of the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) located in East Jakarta 

8. Soldiers Museum TMII 
Sunggu remarkable when we visited TMII through google earth, and very neat buildings can be found in the Museum Soldiers TMII pentagon shaped with coordinates 6 ° 18'20 .13 "S 106 ° 53'48 .09" E. Besides the museum there are also Private aircraft parked near the artificial lake. 

9. Bogor Palace 
Istana Bogor is one of the six Presidential Palace of the Republic of Indonesia which has its own uniqueness. The uniqueness is due to the historical aspects, culture and fauna are outstanding. One of them is the existence of deer - the beautiful deer imported directly from Nepal and stay awake from the first until now. Bogor Palace can be found at coordinates 6 ° 35'47 .96 "S 106 ° 47'53 .66" E. 

10. Port of Tanjung periok 
Want to see keseibukan ship? certainly we can find the coordinates 6 ° 5'58 .73 "S 106 ° 53'20 .71" E. 

11. Soekarno Hatta Airport 
The gate of air transport is the capital city of Indonesia seems clear if directed to the coordinates 6 ° 7'41 .04 "S 106 ° 39'21 .63" E, even berjejerpun aircraft can be seen clearly. 

12. Monas 
Almost everyone knows the National Monument or better known as Monas tugunya gold plated. Located in the area of the ring 1 the State Palace, National Monument can be accessed at coordinates 6 ° 10'33 .19 "S 106 ° 49'39 .78" E. 

13. HI roundabout 
HI roundabout has an own history to keep in mind for anyone who visited Jakarta. Located city center often be targets for berdomo. HI roundabout can be accessed at coordinates 6 ° 11'41 .82 "S 106 ° 49'23 .07" E. 

14. Candi Borobudur 
As one of the seven wonders of the world, Borobudur was built by using the / - 55,000 m3 of rock. Tall buildings until kepuncak is 42m, with a base width of 123 m. Upright and sturdy towering keangkasa and is part of the history of 12th-century-old. Borobudur temple is located in Central Java Province can be accessed at coordinates 7 ° 36'28 .45 "S 110 ° 12'13 .35" E 

15. Fish Fish Jatiluhur - Purwakarta 
Fish Fish Jatiluhur dominant visible from the air as directed coordinates 6 ° 33'22 .45 "S 107 ° 23'32 .85" E. Thousands of fish Fish is the fruit of freshwater fish farms owned by local communities. 

16. Island Bungin 
Bungin Island in District Sumbawa Regency NTB Alas, a small artificial island in the world most populous island of Java, the density exceeds the density of 36,000 km2 and the density of the island of Java is only about 813 km2 or Bungin island density equal to 44 times the density of the island of Java. The island is only 8 hectares of this area has a population of 2800 souls, and can be accessed at coordinates 8 ° 28'37 .69 "S 116 ° 59'43 .25" E

Ibra: I'm Not Eto'o

Barcelona striker, Zlatan Ibrahimovic is still sluggish in business productivity goals. However, he rejected comparisons with Inter Milan striker, Samuel Eto'o.

Actually, about scoring goals, abilities and Eto'o Ibra no doubt. Last season, when he was defending Inter Milan Ibra scored 25 goals in Serie-A. Eto'o himself managed to pack 30 goals for Barcelona in the Primera Division last season.

However, the new club each, progress has been made Eto'o slightly better than Ibra. Eto'o has contributed one goal in the Italian Super Cup versus Lazio. Meanwhile, Ibrahim failed to score a goal in the Spanish Super Cup against Athletic Bilbao.

Ibra understand it makes a lot of people doubted his ability. However, Ibrahim would not give up. Instead, criticism was made ready to work hard to prove his ability and reverse the negative perception.

"" I'm not comparing myself to him (Eto'o). He did great work in Barcelona and has a good quality. We have different styles and this is a challenge (for me) ", he said.

Want Sex in the Water, This way!

You are bored with the 'life of the bed' is mediocre? Coba deh love the water and feel the different sensations!

Making love in the water is not the usual style of lovemaking. For that we need special techniques to make the process go more smoothly. Try to follow a few tips that detikhot quotes from AskMen, Thursday (6/8/2009) this!

If you want to use a condom when having sex, choose a condom that was used in the water safe. Notice that there is content on your condom. Because sometimes if you have sex in swimming pool, there was chemical content in water can affect the quality of condoms. Nothing wrong to bring extra condoms.

Water can remove the natural shadow on a woman's body. so as to have sex in the water, it's good to bring artificial lubricants.

Making love in the water can be done in several places. You can choose the most suited. The simplest, you can do it in the bathroom with a bath tub. Warm water in the bath tub will make you more perfect sex.

Private swimming pool can also be a place of love. But it was not advisable to do so in a public place. For example the general pool, but can be a spectacle, cleaning public places is also not guaranteed. One-one, you can actually get the disease.

Coast is also not a recommended place to make love. Salt water will be bad for vaginal health.

10 Reasons not passionate Sex


There are many reasons why sex is supposed to be the event has been waiting for it to be the most avoided by some couples. But according to the American sexologists, there are 10 main reasons why sex would not you like.

"Sex is a very good routine for health because it can satisfy the emotional, physical, and enhance partner intimacy. But unfortunately some people are experiencing 'drought' sex," says Anita H. Clayton, MD, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia as reported by Health on Friday (7/8/2009).

Here are 10 reasons why sex is something you would not want anymore.

1. Your bed is not sexy
Never use the bed to do something other than sex and sleep. Remove magazines, newspapers, laptops, food or any items that could interfere with the sex. Using silk sheets could memperseksi your bed.

2. The drugs can steal sex mood
According to Michael Krychman, MD, of Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach, California, drugs such as the contraceptive pill can reduce one's sexual desires, because it produces a protein called sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which can lower testosterone resulting in a lack of mood to have sex.

3. You kind of person who was busy working
That modern life requires you to work as hard as could be the cause of your sex life dried up due to stress.

There's a good idea to get rid of a laptop, mobile phone or a kitchen knife and then soak in warm water in the tub, it can make your sex mood back up.

4. You do not like the body's own
Many women who described himself as a woman who is not sexy, especially with the media onslaught that is often interpreted section through the beauty of the body.

The women, do not ever feel inferior to the state of your body. Surely there are things that make your partner interested in other than just the body.

5. You enter the perimenopausal age
Reduced estrogen hormone with age it can trigger some psychological changes, including the mood for sex.

Organ vaginal started sensitive, weakened and can not discharge lubrication. Consult with your doctor to address these problems, hormone therapy or some cream you can try.

6. Your spouse did not want to
Talk with your partner, what is troubling her and lowered her sex mood. General problem is difficult to articulate couples sexual desire.

Maybe he wanted adventure more exciting sex or maybe he was having an affair? Communicate things in ways that loving, not with emotion.

7. You're depressed
If you're depressed, especially women, are usually things that will do is to isolate himself. Depression can be beat deep desire to make love even when the power of your love is not immediately addressed. Many-multiply exercise to reduce depression.

8. Your male partner addiction viagra
The man who was addicted to viagra can cause sexual problems due to physical and emotional disharmony between men and women.

While the man was ready for 'it', the woman takes more time for arousal, eventually the problem was happening. The man went to bed for sex, whereas women to calm down, discuss it together with your spouse and find its midpoint.

9. You are more like 'Vibrator'
Some women admit about it. Sometimes they use it to ease the anger or frustration with their partner.

But many of them are actually addicted to these devices. There is nothing wrong to combine the sex toy with your sex life really, but do not let it become a nuisance to the actual sex.

10. You're sick and tired
As many as 10-15 percent with a low libido in mind is experiencing pain, indigestion or a thyroid that can affect the fatigue, depression and infertility

Women with chronic diseases such as anemia, diabetes, arthritis also tend to rarely perform and enjoy sex. Therefore, in order to stay healthy can still enjoy sex.

Trace of genital activity if Rarely Sex

Be careful of men who still menjomblo until the age of 40 years and rarely masturbate. Genitals are rarely used for sexual activity appears to have shrinkage of size.

It got older age is also getting older person organs. This is natural, so do the most vital organ in the human body that will experience shrinkage if not often used.

Along with age, organ function would be weakened. The muscles begin to relax, wrinkles and skin starts getting brittle bones. We unknowingly, human penis was actually shrunk, not only because of age alone, but because it is rarely used.

"The genitals are shrinking due to age factor, but he could also shrink if never or rarely used," said Dr. Naek L Tobing, an expert sexologists while talking to detikhealth, Thursday (13/8/2009).

"Not only the genitals, all parts of the human body will do. Let's see those who are old, legs and arms become narrowed. So genitals men and women," said Naek.

Like a knife that never sharpened, over time can dull. Any man's penis will decrease if not enabled. "If it is not often used, it can be shrunk as well, although not yet very old," said graduate Sex Male Sex Educator and Counselor at the State University Minessota, the United States.

This Naek statement was also supported by a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. "Around the age of 40 years, joined the testes shrink," says Irwin Goldstein, MD, from Alvarado Hospital, United States, as quoted by WebMD, Thursday (13/8/2009).

"When a man in his 30s when his penis erect size is 6 inches, at the age of 60-70 years in length is only about 5 inches," says Goldstein.

According to Goldstein, the cause of the penis is because mengecilnya reduced elasticity of the layer of collagen fibers surrounding the erectile chambers.

In addition, accumulation of fatty deposits that cause blood flow to the penis is inhibited is one reason why the penis smaller or look smaller, as people complained of obesity.

But according to Naek, man-aged men who still have sex with their partner will have a bigger penis than those who had rarely had sex.

"Try and check the men who are aged 60 years and rarely had sex with his wife, must have smaller genitals than men that age, but still having sex," said Naek.

It is true, the old body will be less and less ability to have intercourse because of the hormone testosterone in their bodies became more depleted. This causes the symptoms of andropause such as easy fatigue, lethargy, hair loss, decreased libido, penis shrinking, and even impotence can occur and blood circulation problems.

But Naek denied if unable to enjoy sex again if old. "Who says getting older can not have sex anymore? It's just a matter of self confidence or just confident. There is also kok couples over 70 years but still loves to have sex," he said.

Therefore, Naek suggestions, "Use it and enjoy every opportunity to have sex with the wife, or for those who have not pairs do not have hesitated if maturbasi can not stand."

"Do not assume most of masturbation can be dangerous, it is not bener. The principle is simple aja, use it or lose it," said Naek. But if you want more secure, you should get married.

Tooth color and meaning

Maybe you think color should be white teeth gleaming. But the actual email or dental coating is transparent so the color of teeth radiating dentine (the substance in the email) that is in the teeth.

As reported by the, color white teeth do not always depend on each individual. Adults normally have yellow teeth color grayish, grayish white or yellowish white. While normal baby teeth or milk white berwarana bluish white.

But in addition to the normal color of teeth is, there are many people who have extreme color. Tooth color can be informed about what is happening in the body. Tooth enamel can also change color according to the inclusion in the mouth.

Joan Liebmann-Smith, Ph.D. and Jacqueline Nardi Egan in his Body Sign, How to Be Your Own Diagnostic Detective, was quoted as saying Tuesday (25/8/2009) review the 8 kinds of color have teeth that serve as a warning to the body.

1. Yellow-brown teeth

Color brownish yellow teeth will occur with age which occurs mostly in the elderly. But if you're not old age and have yellowed teeth is a sign that you are a smoker, drinker of coffee, tea or cola.

2. Tooth-colored green or metallic

Teeth green, bluish green or brown is a sign you are exposed to excessive exposure to metals. Could have occurred when at work or dental surgery time.

If exposed to iron, manganese and silver color can be black. Mercury and lead cause of blue color green. Copper and nickel can cause teeth to bluish green. Inhaled gases such as chromic acid make dark orange teeth.

Whereas if exposed to excess iodine ocean like a lot of time spent in the pool that contains chlorine can cause brown teeth.

3. bluish gray

Many people do not realize that taking the antibiotic tetracycline during pregnancy can make baby teeth bleak. Color this bleak teeth also occurs in children who take tetracyclines during a period of growth.

While grayish stain on the teeth of adults using minosiklin sign, - the kind tetrasikilin to treat acne or rheumatoid arthritis - a long time. Gray teeth can also be a sign of damage to dentine because of an infection.

4. Spots

If your teeth and patches of uneven color enamel fluorisis possibility. Ie, the exposed teeth of the fluorite berfluorinasi drink water, toothpaste and mouthwash are excessive.

Although dental stains less interesting but not dangerous. But these patches can also be early warning markers of toxicity that fluorite long can a life-threatening.

5. Blackened teeth

Color of teeth like this, including the hideous abuse metamfemin indicates. Black tooth color can also make one's teeth to rot.

6. Grooved teeth

If there is a smooth curve of the teeth, you probably ate too many oranges or lemons. Acid in these fruits can make email and dental erosion.

If there are V-shaped indentation at the bottom of the tooth near the gum line, it's a sign you are too eager to brush his teeth. Use toothpicks to excess can also cause indentations because you pierced enamel layer. Often menggertakan (pitted) teeth can also make teeth grooved.

7. Looks slick shiny teeth

If your teeth back teeth especially slippery it was not a good sign. But the warning signs of brittle bones (osteoporosis). It also may signal an eating disorder bulimia since vomit repeatedly doused will make your teeth and stomach acid erodes tooth protector emails. Almost 90 percent of bulimics have an erosion of teeth.

8. Cracked teeth

Back teeth cracked more often experienced by people with silver dental fillings are often indicates bruxisme (menggertakan habits or pitted teeth). This is more damaging Bruxisme tooth cavities than email due to wear protective gear when digertakkan. Often gritted teeth will also cause jaw problems.

Fertile Women More often molester

It turned out that the fading of love is not the only reason for a woman for having an affair. In the peak of fertility, the drive was having an affair for the women also peaked. Woman's fertile period can be a causative factor infidelity. Fertile women were once looked like another man and looking for love from another man's caresses. But not immediately glance at the woman any man who was nearby. Reported by women, on Wednesday (1/2/2006), when ovulation naturally she feels ready to be fertilized. By the time she was ready to be fertilized, he instinctively looking for a man who can give him the best offspring. Well, if he does not fully satisfied with her partner, the urge to find a better one comes. The woman was moved to find the best seed. This also occurred since the antiquity. The women tend to seek long-term investment to get a better offspring. But secretly men can also feel the behavior of women who are ovulating. The man who feels himself less handsome and less attractive tend to be possessive and give more attention to their partner. But men should not worry, not all women would do this. According to Steven W Gangstead, the psychologist who conducted the study, only women who actually less satisfied with their partner would think to look for seed from other sources. In addition to its instincts, it turns out the woman's hormonal changes also support the occurrence of this behavior. According to Drs. Irwin Goldstein, from Boston University School of Medicine, women who were ovulating have testoterone hormone levels high enough. Increasing these hormones make increasing passion. Unconsciously she feels ready to be fertilized and tried to find the best seedlings. When the libido is high, women are usually looking for a partner that could be considered sexual functioning properly. If sexual problems often coloring households, then the women began to think of having an affair. "We're not saying women are genetically programmed for infidelity. Women are not robots that always follow a genetic phenomenon. In addition there are genetic physiological and biological aspects. Romantic relationship was also characterized by love and conflict, this is part of the conflict. The affair is a personal choice, "Gangstead clear.

Sports The Mighty Men Make in Bed

Another good reason for him to start exercising. Research shows that exercise, can improve male prowess in bed. Wow!

The study was conducted by a group of researchers in Australia. They do research on rats. Rats were divided into two groups. One group of rats was trained to swim 30 minutes a day, five days a week. Whereas the other group did not exercise.

from the study proved, that exercising mice had an erection performance much better.

Dr. Chris McMahon, an Australian sexologists comment on the study. According to exercise regularly will smooth the flow of blood and nerves in the penis. Besides exercise also increases testosterone in both male mice also grown man.

In fact, he also added, when compared, rats were parallel to the 60-70 year-old man. So even at that age no longer young, a man who had a habit of taking regular exercise can have a good sexual performance.

"In theory, with exercise, they (the men) can improve heart health, blood flow and the quality of life," said Chris added.

Let's start exercising, and your partner happy!

Want to Make a Woman Comfortable Sex? This way!

GambarThis can eliminate the small female desire to have intercourse. Do you know any little thing that causes it to happen? Spy answers here.

- Blowing ear and rub a thin bearded chin are some other things that make him uncomfortable.

- Copotlah your pants. Some women are lazy to do because it's too hard to be someone else. Then kiss your spouse is a beginning of foreplay. If too much haste, be prepared to leave.

- For parts such sensitive nipples and clitoris, treat gently. Pressing both hard, will make him moaning in pain.

- Some women do not like penetration quickly, so do it slowly and gradually increase in intensity. Look at his reaction, if your partner looks uncomfortable, lower intensity.

- Most men are heavier than women, so try not to top your partner when having intercourse. That could make could not breathe.

- Finally, do not do something stupid like say dirty, use a condom used or capture during sex. Women may leave you at once because he felt humiliated.

Improve Sex Life With Food!

Many couples who have problems with his sex life. However, some of them to pretend there are no problems so the problems it experienced constant in his life.

Of the many problems of sex, some can be treated by changing habits in your life. One of them is in your eating habits, as quoted from health24 detikhot, Wednesday (26/8/2009).

Arterial blood was all over the human body, including in the penis. When stimulated, the penis can store 10 times more blood than normal.

In order to keep the arteries clean around the penis from blockage due to excess cholesterol, eat lots of wheat could be a solution to address the problem of erection of the penis.

Prostate gland has an important role in sex. If you experience swelling of the prostate gland, to reduce them is by eating whole wheat bread, whole grains and seeds.

Vitamin B complex can help you produce testosterone and widen blood vessels. To obtain a sufficient portion, take multivitamins have vitamin B complex in it, or eating foods such as beans, bananas and asparagus.

To increase one's libido and fertility, iron is needed. Although easy on the gain, but quickly disappeared iron so you'll want to eat oysters. If you do not like natural oysters, you can buy tablets that contain iron in it.

Lots of calcium for the body's usefulness. But did you know that calcium is useful to control an orgasm? For those who have problems with premature ejaculation is a good idea to multiply the consumption of calcium.

Calcium can be found in yogurt, milk, dark green vegetables, bread and fish. You can also consume calcium in the form of tablets sold in pharmacies.

Benefits of Sweating When Sex!

Making love to sweat it has many benefits. Want to know what benefit? This is it!

Many people with PD do not sweat that came out during lovemaking. In addition to the pair embarrassed, worry about the smell of sweat also generated its own fear.

According to sex expert Yvonne K. Fulbright is detikhot quotes from FOXNews, sweat just as much value in having sex.

The sweat that came out during sex is the number of calories and fat that come out when you berhubugan. Overweight problems can be overcome.

Drought in the body making your body more slippery. You and your partner can feel a new sensation when exposed. In addition, the sweat also makes you and your partner's body sticky and belong together. More intimate is not it?

Seeing your partner and vice versa sweating can bring your fantasy to see sexy models in sports magazines. To what fantasize, if in fact there in front of you!

If you're afraid of the sweat will not smell good cause on the body, you're wrong. Often the sweat that comes when it contains sex hormones that in turn make your partner hooked.

So, do not be afraid to sweat while having s

Obama Communicating with astronaut

President of the United States (U.S.) Barack Obama invited several children to communicate with the astronauts on the space station from his office in the White House, Washington.

In his first communication with the astronauts, he asked a female astronaut. The question is whether Obama accusing the astronaut she was tempted to cut her long hair when he would go into space. Astronaut she answered no.

The children and the people who are in Obama's office was immediately laughed at the question Obama. Joking tone, Obama returned joke.

"You're the astronauts explore outer space with a great distance. For that we are very pleased to communicate using the phone," Obama said.

After Obama said jokingly satisfied pride to the astronauts from the U.S. Space Agency (NASA) who has worked at the international space station in a few weeks. He also wanted to know how they install solar panels in space.

Obama then invited the children who wanted to ask with the astronauts. There are kids asked if the spacecraft, they can play video games.

One of the astronauts replied, "We could have played, but the work we have to do very much, so do not have enough free time to play."

Other children were curious, wanted to know what the astronauts in outer space to find there.

'Spiderman' Save the Children in Thailand

By wearing a Spiderman costume, a fireman saving a child.

Human spider or Spiderman had rescued a child who is at the edge of the glass window on the third floor of a school building.

That is not a scene from the human Spiderman spider. But a Thai firefighters wearing Spiderman costume.

Sonchai Yoosabai, the name of the fire was deliberately transformed himself into a comic book character Spiderman. He wanted to save an 8-year-old boy who was on the edge of the glass floor of a building of three schools.

Children who are on the edge of the glass is indeed very like the hero Spiderman. He came out of the school window and stood on the edge of the glass that is very dangerous to himself.

It happened on his first day in school at the School for Children with special needs. The teacher had persuaded him to not stand on the edge of the glass but did not succeed.

Then, his mother said that she loved the character Spiderman. Then, Sonchai Yoosabai called to persuade the child.

Sonchai was always kept in her closet konstum Spiderman. The costumes were used during the training given to the children how to escape when fire broke out.


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